
The Quill and the Hawk

the quill and the hawk

Welcome to our  online community of dedicated content contributors and visitors whose view of the world, we encourage, is characterized by perspective, tolerance and soulful appreciation for the richness diverse human expression can bestow, no matter one's station or position in life. The Quill and the Hawk signifies the Poet-Warrior indigenous to each of us, honors 'exaltation' and venerates 'justice' for all.  The internet and digital blogging communities such as this have opened the world up to connecting at a level never seen before. With simple strokes of the keyboard we can reach across to each other and find moments of shared humanity through the artful and dedicated contributions our visitors profer with their offerings.  What this community is. Our community welcomes appreciation for tolerance and cultural, ethnic and racial diversity; service to the underserved among us; poetic expression; inspiring tales, stories that compel reflection and soothe the hu

return to gethsemane

These silent voices smolder with regret.  At once hard memories of fallen courage haunt us.   Past dishonors swell to batter otherwise profound avowals for justice and fairness.  Private promises never to be caught watching – even when the very simplest “no,” “wait” or “never” might save, if only once, a child from the painful humiliation of being left out (a disease of the ages for anyone whose at bat was conveniently skipped with the game on the line) – are betrayed.   We have all been commissioned at one time or another as soldiers of indifference. When we carry our hatred of injustice on our shirtsleeves, unfurling our anger only when the coast is clear or when the boss isn’t watching, empty cries for reform are heard. The family of man might very well go in search of itself to quiet the nagging doubts about its misplaced integrity only to find loss of purpose.  When confronted with the alarming demands of an industrialized world man’s potency to overcome mere being to delight

the journey of purpose


ode to joy


just one question


your move


open letters to their children